Six Days in Spring
Six Days in Spring
The public programme of the Berlin International Film Festival shows about 400 films per year, mostly international or European premieres. Films of every genre, length and format find their place in the various sections: great international cinema in the Competition, independent and art house in Panorama, films for young audiences in Generation, new discoveries and promising talents from the German film scene in Perspektive Deutsches Kino, avant garde, experimental and unfamiliar cinematography in the Forum, and an exploration of cinematic possibilities in Berlinale Shorts. Food, pleasure and the environment – these are the topics that lie at the centre of the Culinary Cinema. The programme is rounded out by a Retrospective as well as an Homage, which focuses on the œuvre of a great personality of cinema, curated by the Deutsche Kinemathek – Museum für Film und Fernsehen.
Furthermore the Berlinale has regularly organised a programme of special presentations that open up new perspectives, provide insight into key themes, make new connections and explore realms where film intersects with other creative disciplines.
Berlin International Film Festival
Potsdamer Straße 5
10785 Berlin
T +49 30 259 20 0
F +49 30 259 20 299
Programme Organisation
Daniela Weber
T +49 30 259 20 444
F +49 30 259 20 499
Type : Festival
Genre : Fiction, Documentaire, Animation
Period : February
Deadline : November
Prioritary : Yes
Country : Germany