Six Days in Spring
Six Days in Spring
Born in 1968 as the 1st International Week of Fantasy and Horror Movies, today the Festival is an essential rendezvous for movie lovers and audiences eager to come into contact with new tendencies and technologies applied to horror and fantastic film cinema.
SITGES – International Fantastic Film Festival of Catalonia is the number one fantasy film festival in the world, both for its seniority and for its media and industrial impact. With a solid track record, the event offers in the fantastic cinema from around the world a stimulating framework for meetings, exhibitions, presentations, and projections.
SITGES Festival Internacional de Cinema Fantàstic de Catalunya
Sant Honorat, 32-34
08870 Sitges (Barcelona)
T +34 93 894 99 90
Type : Festival
Genre : Animation, Fiction, Documentaire
Period : October
Deadline : January
Prioritary : Yes
Country : Spain