The Bread and Butter Lady
Film informations
Pascale Hecquet
For those who are familiar with the old French song, it’s no secret that in the world of the Bread and Butter Lady, her house is made of butter and her bed of boudoir biscuits. And that she marries a Mr Whippy who wears a wafer hat. But can you guess what happens next?
Type : Short film
Genre : Animation
Running time : 4'
Year : 2020
Funding :
company credits and distribution
La Boîte,... Productions
Arnaud Demuynck
phone : +32 2 544 04 64
e-mail : ademuynck(at)
website :
- Why is snow white ? (2022)
- Why do trees lose their leaves in the autumn ? (2022)
- The Bread and Butter Lady (2020)
- The Big Bad Wolf is Back (2019)
- (2019)
- Aglae the garrulous cow (2018)
- The penguin (2016)
- The runaway biscuit (2015)
- The law of the jungle (2014)
- The Giant carrot (2013)
- Duo de Volailles, Sauce chasseur (2012)
- (2009)
- (2007)