The Billion-Dollar Road
Dieudo Hamadi
The Billion-Dollar Road
Dieudo Hamadi
Dieudo Hamadi
Between 5 and 10 June 2000, the town of Kisangani in the Democratic Republicof the Congo was the scene of clashes between two rebel groups. One of themwas allied with Uganda, the other with Rwanda. Since then the “Association desVictimes de la Guerre des Six Jours” has been seeking compensation for thedamage suffered. Today, weary of the indifference shown to them, the membersof the association have decided to take things into their own hands. After along voyage along the Congo River, they express their demands in person inKinshasa, the national capital and headquarters of the institutions where mostof the former Congolese leaders from the war have now found refuge.
Aurélien Bodinaux
phone : +32 2 219 35 75
e-mail : aurelien(at)
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