Ka Me Kalu
Flonja Kodheli

Ka Me Kalu
Flonja Kodheli
Flonja Kodheli
Flonja Kodheli, Ilire Zinca, Mathilde Rault, Sebastian Moradiellos, Zenel Laci, Serge Hologne, Thibaut Whatelet
Stela returns to her mother, Maria, in Brussels to attend the funeral of her grandmother, who has meant so much in their lives. Quickly, Stela notices that her mother is much more tormented by fear than by sadness. Her words seem confused and her behavior absurd, even paranoid. Despite her confusion and misunderstanding, Stela does her best to support her mother.
e-mail : info(at)velvetfilms.be
website : www.velvetfilms.be/
Agence Belge du Court Métrage