

The contagion

Film informations

Sergio Ghizzardi

“La contagion” is a documentary film that plungesus into the heart of the crisis that Europe is goingthrough. The Euro, which cements the EuropeanUnion, is being threatened by the markets. Uncertaintyabout the nature of the European Union,political choices, the fragility of the financial sector,the impact of the austerity policies, the deterioratingsocial situation and the economic recession areshaking the very structure of Europe.Europe is bogged down in a crisis that could engulf it.Despite this urgency, the EU is hesitating, putting offmaking decisions. How can we avoid the disenchantmentof Europe? How can we save the Euro?

company credits and distribution


Domino Production

Sergio Ghizzardi
phone : +32 2 648 02 70
e-mail : contact(at)
website :