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César 2023: 3 short films in the running

The official selection of short films in the running for the 2023 César Awards has been unveiled.

The Short Fiction, Short Animation and Short Documentary committees of the Académie des arts et techniques du cinéma met on Wednesday 28 September to decide on the official selection of works in the running for the 2023 César Awards. 

Two fiction films as well as an animation film from Wallonia-Brussels are on the list of 48 short films in the running:

Titan by Valery Carnoy, produced by Hélicotronc
You’re dead Hélène by Michiel Blanchart, produced by Daylight Films
Câline by Margot Reumont, produced by Zorobabel

The 48 short films selected will be made available to the members of the Academy on an online viewing platform exclusive to them. At the beginning of January, the members of the Académie will be invited to vote to select the films that will be nominated for the César Awards. At the end of this first round of voting, five films will be nominated for the César for the Best Fiction Short Film, four films for the César for the Best Animation Short Film and four films for the César for the Best Documentary Short Film. The titles of these 13 films will be revealed when the nominations are announced in late January.



Valéry Carnoy

Short film / Fiction

T'es morte Hélène

Michiel Blanchart

Short film / Fiction


Margot Reumont

Short film / Animation